CU 42: When Should You Leave Your Job To Start a Business?

In this episode Stu Hayes & Rich Sayer explore the puzzle that has perplexed so many people… whether or not to leave their job to start a business.

Check out this great episode which draws from their personal experiences in leaving secure, highly paid roles to start businesses, as well as their interviews of a wide-range successful guests on Careers Unplugged.


CU 30: Robert Riopel, Success Teacher

Did you ever get taught that if you worked hard and stayed loyal to your company, you would taken care of?  Does that sound familiar? Does it sound unreasonable?!
This was certainly the upbringing that Robert Riopel, this weeks guest on Careers Unplugged, had and it was also something he deeply believed in – right up until he was laid off for the third time!!
Check out Robert’s journey to resurrect his career, to achieve the kind of success in life he felt he deserved and how he teaches people to do the same.


CU 18: Fr Bob Maguire, Social Entrepreneur

Ever wonder how Catholic priest could be an Entrepreneur?

Father Bob has worked as a beekeeper and been awarded an Order of Australia for his tireless service to the community & work with the poor, in addition to receiving “the Australian Entrepreneur of the year award”. He has hosted TV shows, podcasts and radio programs, and even had a documentary about his life premier at the Melbourne Film Festival. He has founded multiple charities, including Open Family… all whilst serving the community as a Catholic priest!


CU 01: Brian Kelly, Renowned Retail CEO

Retail CEO Brian Kelly
The inaugural episode of Careers Unplugged kicks off with one of Australia’s business leaders. Brian Kelly has spent more than 30 years as a senior executive in the retail & career management industries. He has held
leadership roles as CEO of national retail giant Retravision and GM of Pioneer Electronics, 
and CEO of Australia’s leading career Management Company for Youth, Managers, Executives and Professionals. 


Stu’s Take on “How much money do you need to start a business” If you have ever thought about a career change or wondered whether you have enough money to start a business, then don’t miss the great Make It Big Training episode from Stu Hayes & Rich Sayer. It is filled with great tips and advice from both these guys, who have both succeeded AND failed…


Stu’s take on the “BIG” mistake of 1988

In this week’s great video at MakeItBigTraining, Rich Sayer & Stu Hayes share some of the ways you can find out your market’s pain points, and, most importantly, what this means for you as a business owner or entrepreneur aiming to succeed in business and make it big!! So if you have a market or…


Why Is Stu So Excited About Risk? Starting a business can be risky — but that does not mean you shouldn’t do it… it also doesn’t mean risk has to be as high as it is! There are plenty of things you can do to reduce risk, irrespective of where you start from. Check out this video from Stu and find…


How Enthusiasm Creates a Pathway to Success

If you have ever noticed that things seem to be much more effective, much more fun and have much easier when you are enthusiastic, then check out this video from Captain Enthusiasm himself, Rich Sayer! Rich shares some great tips on finding success through following your enthusiasm – its great stuff so check it out…
