CU 13: Damian Kristof, Wellness Guru

Our special guest in this episode is none other than “Wellness Guy”, Damian Kristof.
Familiar to many Wellness Couch listeners as co-founder and host of the Wellness Guys – Australia’s No.1 ranked Health Podcast, as well as host of smash hit TV show “Downsize me” and special guest presenter on national radio channel, TRIPLE M.

Don’t miss Damian’s journey to becoming a celebrity wellness guru, Naturopath & Chiropractor as well as being the creator of “Forage”, his own range breakfast cereal.


CU 04: Jenny Butcher, HR Director

Our special guest in this episode, Jenny Butcher, is one of Australia’s most highly regarded Human Resource Directors.

Jenny has worked in both the Commercial & not for profit sectors and also as a consultant, holding a range of leadership roles at organizations including Accenture, Hudson & Logical Edge and has helped clients such as Sensis, Johnson & Johnson, Janssen-Cilag, Perpetual and Visy.

Jenny talks openly about her own experiences and also passes on valuable advice about how to create a ‘business case’ to be recruited!

Don’t miss this episode with Jenny.


CU 01: Brian Kelly, Renowned Retail CEO

Retail CEO Brian Kelly
The inaugural episode of Careers Unplugged kicks off with one of Australia’s business leaders. Brian Kelly has spent more than 30 years as a senior executive in the retail & career management industries. He has held
leadership roles as CEO of national retail giant Retravision and GM of Pioneer Electronics, 
and CEO of Australia’s leading career Management Company for Youth, Managers, Executives and Professionals. 


Stu’s Take on “How to Nail a Job Interview”

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What’s Your Vote… Street Smart or Qualified!?

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How your heart helps you live without regret

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How to market yourself to achieve career success

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