CU 12: Carren Smith, Soul Survivor

Our special guest in this episode is Carren Smith, a courageous and incredible woman who has touched the hearts and lives of thousands and thousands of people all around the world.

Carren is now an inspiring speaker who has made more than 800 professional presentations, sharing her story of survival and the pathway she has followed to a life that is thriving.

An author of books including “Soul Survivor” and for magazines including “Marie Clare”, “Empower”, “Insight”, “Business Matters”, “APN”, “Dare Magazine”, “Spark Magazine” and others, Carren has also been featured on 60 Minutes, ABC Radio, Prime Radio, Chanel 7, Channel 9 and others.


CU 11: Larry Gilman, Hollywood & Broadway Star

Our special guest in this episode, Larry Gilman, has lived within the media, stage & film worlds for more than 30 years
and has pretty much done EVERYTHING
or won everything in that time!
And we’re not joking!!

Larry has worked as an actor, writer and director for some of the biggest movie studios in the world, including Paramount, Universal & Columbia in films such as COOL RUNNINGS, REPO MEN, WOMAN IN RED & DEATH WISH, on TV shows such as MASH, HILL STREET BLUES, COLUMBO, TEXAS RANGERS and Broadway hit, THE RITZ.

He has also a renowned communication coach who has led more than 1000 communication workshops across around the world


CU 08: Cyndi O’Meara, Nutritionist & Author

Our special guest, Cyndi O’Meara, is the international best-selling author of “Changing Habits Changing Lives” and “Companion Cookbook”, as well as being an internationally acclaimed nutritionist & speaker, an award winning business woman and a proud and active mother of 3!

Don’t miss this great episode of Careers Unplugged with Cyndi, share her story, learn from her experiences and insights and be inspired!


CU 07: Vince Sorrenti, Comedy Legend

Our special guest Vince Sorrenti is one of Australia’s best loved comic entertainers. He has won a MO award for stand up comedian of the year, a gold medal at the New York Film Festival for his documentary  “No Laughing Matter” and currently performs over 200 shows a year


CU 06: Sports Legend, Max Walker

Our guest special in this episode, Max Walker, is a Member of the Order of Australia, a former professional sportsman in 2 sports, both australian football and international cricket, an architect, an author with 7 number 1 bestselling books, a media celebrity and much-loved sports commentator.


CU 01: Brian Kelly, Renowned Retail CEO

Retail CEO Brian Kelly
The inaugural episode of Careers Unplugged kicks off with one of Australia’s business leaders. Brian Kelly has spent more than 30 years as a senior executive in the retail & career management industries. He has held
leadership roles as CEO of national retail giant Retravision and GM of Pioneer Electronics, 
and CEO of Australia’s leading career Management Company for Youth, Managers, Executives and Professionals. 


Stu’s take on “8 ways to get a job” Check out Stu’s take on this week’s Make It Big Training video, “8 Ways to Get Your Dream Job”. Have a laugh, then visit and watch Stu Hayes & Rich Sayer share together – it’s great stuff and includes some excellent tips on finding work. Here’s the direct link to save you time:…
