CU 40: Nicola Archer, PR ‘Live Wire’ and ‘No Plan’ Planner

Nicola Archer has had an incredible career, including working with a heap of our previous guests on Careers Unplugged and an amazing array of well known and inspiring people.

Nicola has worked in sports marketing & management across the Olympic Games in Sydney, alongside a media magnate, been assistant manager to several iconic Australian Rock Bands – including The Angels, Johnny Diesel and The Baby Animals – and even enjoyed a stint producing the “Chris Tarrant”  breakfast show on London’s Capital Radio Station – such great FUN!
Don’t miss this classic episode and learn how Nicola has managed to navigate along her incredible journey…. with no plan at all!!


CU 36: Front-Line Doctor & Medical Researcher, Assoc Prof Jim Black

Can you imagine what it would be like to be a doctor in a war-zone?

Little wonder Associate Professor Jim Black is committed to helping solve real world health problems with his incredible research team at the Nossal Institute these days.

Jim’s career has morphed incredibly from performing ‘general duties’ in Mozambique and in other front-line health care roles in the developing world to now being an Associate Professor in Global Health in the University of Melbourne’s Nossal Institute for Global Health.

His current research interests include the development of low-cost technology for health in developing countries, and especially the uses of mobile devices to enhance the delivery of healthcare services.


CU 34: Quirky Cook & Blogger, Jo Whitton

Jo Whitton is one of Australia’s most prominent online voices and also our wonderful, heart-centered and inspirational guest on Careers Unplugged this week

Alongside homeschooling her own children, she has been blogging continuously since 2008 and since that time she has developed a colossal following both in Australia and around the world through her site QUIRKY COOKING.

So much so, Jo is presently acknowledged as one of the top 30 bloggers in Australia in the Kidspot Voices of 2014.

Her passion for using basic, fresh ingredients, and cooking ‘from scratch’ started when her own Mum taught her to cook and has flourished ever since. Her mission today is to help open people’s eyes to the possibility that wholesome food tastes great, is easy and fun to make, and meets the needs of those with diet challenges…


CU 06: Sports Legend, Max Walker

Our guest special in this episode, Max Walker, is a Member of the Order of Australia, a former professional sportsman in 2 sports, both australian football and international cricket, an architect, an author with 7 number 1 bestselling books, a media celebrity and much-loved sports commentator.


Is Your Great Idea Stupid?

Ok, let’s be honest… it’s possible you’re delusional isn’t it!?! We say this in the nicest way, of course, but there is the possibility the ggrrrrreat idea you have to change the world and make millions of dollars is just simply nuts! What this means is that through your great idea you could either be…
