Con Georgiou is passionate about two things that are close to our hearts at Careers Unplugged, being innovation and group dynamics. As you will learn in this great episode of Careers Unplugged, the really interesting thing is what he is doing to help these occur side by side.

He has a behavioural sciences background and over 20 years experience in the technology industry, culminating in his successful innovation consultancy, Velteo Pty Ltd.

He believes that innovation is everyone’s birthright and that together Australia can increase its economic prosperity.

And with this in mind he is now CEO and co-founder of One Million Acts of Innovation Australia (OMAoI) which is a national, not-for-profit incubator aiming to help Australia become a world leader in innovation.

Like what Con is tryng to achieve with One Million Acts of Innovation?

Click on the logo below to learn more...

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