Jo Whitton is one of Australia’s most prominent online voices and also our wonderful, heart-centered and inspirational guest on Careers Unplugged this week

Alongside homeschooling her own children, she has been blogging continuously since 2008 and since that time she has developed a colossal following both in Australia and around the world through her site QUIRKY COOKING.

So much so, Jo is presently acknowledged as one of the top 30 bloggers in Australia in the Kidspot Voices of 2014.

Her passion for using basic, fresh ingredients, and cooking ‘from scratch’ started when her own Mum taught her to cook and has flourished ever since.  Her mission today is to  help open people’s eyes to the possibility that wholesome food tastes great, is easy and fun to make, and meets the needs of those with diet challenges…

Click Below to Download Jo's Bonus Gift...

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Jo Whitton's Free 'Frequently Asked Questions' Bonus For Careers Unplugged Members

Wow! What a privilege to receive this special gift from Jo!

13 pages of her answers to the most frequently asked questions she receives as the Quirky Cook!

Make a point of downloading Jo’s free gift, listen to the episode and then let us know your thoughts…

Would you have the courage to follow your passion the way Jo has?

You can learn more about Jo at Quirky Cooking

And as a member you can learn more about so many of our wonderful guests right here at Careers Unplugged, where you can access interviews, bonus gifts and other resources all provided by our guests for your benefit.

Pay it forward!!

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