Sarah Singer-Nourie’s story is the stuff of legend – a disengaged school kid who was exposed to a new way of learning, turned her performance around and ultimately committed to a life of both teaching AND teaching people to teach… starting off by proving her off-the-wall approaches with disengaged school kids in the South side of Chicago.

In this amazing episode Sarah shares the essential ingredients she adopts to engage audiences and have them coming back for more, irrespective of whether they are at school, university or in a corporate training room.

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Enjoy learning the secrets of engaging an audience?

Keep a look out for Sarah's free gift and learn more about her book...

As a special free gift to Careers Unplugged members, Sarah is providing a cutting edge paper called “Leading Teams to Disruptive Change” so stay tuned to make sure you grab a copy.

In the meantime, why not access her acclaimed book, “Tap Into your Greatness” by visiting

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